Definition: Plaster that has been altered in color by the addition of a dye. The most common color variations are blacks, grays and browns, although other shades may be created by the plasterer. Colored plaster has the same characteristics as white plaster, although staining, etching, crazing and scaling phenomena are frequently more noticeable on colored  Read More

The rules are simple; follow them The rules seem simple enough for anyone to grasp: No matter how simple these common-sense rules are, though, they are not enough. The return of hot weather has brought the return of news stories about drowning deaths. As is always the case, most of these deaths are utterly senseless.  Read More

The National Swimming Pool Safety Committee offers parents and pool/spa owners the following tips to help prevent child drownings and near-drownings. Supervision Barriers Emergency Procedures Post the emergency medical services phone number (i.e. 911) in an easy-to-see place near the pool or spa, and make sure that everyone learns the number(s).
