Being Good For Your Community
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At Swim Chem we believe being a successful business means more than keeping the doors open….it means being good for your community! We provide our community with quality swimming pool products and services at fair prices…..and we’ve been doing it for over 52 years now! But that’s not enough! We provide good jobs with fair pay, good insurance and benefits for our team members and their families. But that’s not enough.

We try very hard to be good stewards of our natural resources and recycle. We provide our customers with the option of receiving their bills electronically instead of paper statements in the mail. We offer electronic bill pay options to our customers as well. This saves trees and minimizes the impact on our landfills. We recycle at our facilities. We recycle paper, cardboard, bottles, glass, and metals. But that’s not enough.
We feel that we need to give back to our community. Swim Chem is proud to be an Allegiant Giving Partner company. Allegiant Giving is a group of businesses that have come together as a charitable organization to support “Today’s Hero’s and Tomorrow’s Leaders”. Those being our military veterans, especially the injured, and our youth through educational and athletic programs. The Allegiant Giving Partners have realized that we can do so much more as an organized group than we can as individual companies. It is an honor to work with these like minded companies.

This is why we consider Swim Chem a successful business and being good for your community!